Saturday, August 15, 2009

HoW tO ReCover FrOm loVe failUre

The Lovely answer i found in internet For Love FailUre Is

Assuming you sit for an examination with 20 questions. Supposing Q.5 is tough and you don't know the answer. What would you do? Do you wait for an answer for Q.5 and don't answer the rest of the questions? I'm sure you would move on to Q.6 to 20 and then come back to Q.5, right?

Likewise, sometimes in life we may have some problems which don't have an answer yet. Don't wait till eternity for an answer.

Move on with the rest of life, studies, work, travel, leisure, hobby, friends, family even internet chat etc.

Instead of focussing too hard at her current 'problem' at hand, I guess it is wiser to look away from that spot (the problem) for a moment and then come back too it later.

Sometimes a little bit of procrastination is good.

Perhaps while involved in the other activities; she may get an answer.

Sometimes, some problems (especially problems related to heart) have funny ways of solving itself.

Special Thanks To the Fellow Named JenY For Giving An WounderFull Answer..